2 days exchange program with Mt. Tabor junior high school students


Today we welcomed about 45 grade 8 students and chaperones from Mt Tabor in Oregon for two days. SIS students buddied up with Mt Tabor students for the whole day. We were really excited to have visitors to our school after so long. Many valuable experiences were had today and strong friendships will be made. What a wonderful experience. 今日、オレゴン州のMt. Tabor中学校から約 45 名の 8 年生(中学2年生)と引率者を 迎えました。 今日と明日との2日間の交流の予定です。久しぶりの訪問者にうれしくおもいます。たくさんの貴重な経験ができ、友達にもなり、生徒たちにとっても、私たちにとっても本当に素晴らしい経験になること間違いないです!