
SOISの英語文芸部 "Tango Club" が発行する新聞『Tango』には、学校生活の中のニュースを生徒の視点から書いた記事の他、論説、評論、フィクションや詩といった幅広いジャンルの読み物、写真、絵、デザインなどの作品が掲載されています。
Tango, the SOIS school newspaper, provides students with the opportunity to develop their writing and journalistic skills. In addition to news about school life from students’ perspectives, it includes opinion pieces, fiction, poetry and reviews. As well as opportunities to develop their writing, Tango provides students with the chance to showcase their creative skills in photography, drawing and design. The newspaper is produced by the Tango club which meets on a weekly basis to work on producing and promoting the newspaper.